On January 31st our dear friend Henny will come over for a 5-day-visit. Henny and Julia have known each other from school, but just by sight. Then, a few years after leaving school they ran into each other at a mutual friend's place and soon became friends too. Henny runs her own business as an insurance agent specializing in private medical insurance as well as in private and corporate pension schemes. Since she planned her trip to Atlanta spontaneously we are very excited about her visit. We already have some ideas how to entertain Henny so she will have a great time in "Atlana". During her stay Henny will have the chance to experience one essential part of American life: The Super Bowl (XLII)! This year the game will take place on February 3rd at the University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, Arizona and as of today kick-off will be at 6:18 pm (EST). Even for people who are not really into American Football the Super Bowl is worth watching, because usually the whole event is embedded in one great show. Pregame-Show, Halftime-Show, Postgame-Show and not to forget, in between all the shows another important component: The commercials! During the Super Bowl broadcast almost everybody in the US sits in front of the TV. So for the advertising industry this is a big deal. In 2007 30 seconds advertising time cost 2.6 million US Dollars. Whereas usually the commercials are a pain in the ass most of the Super Bowl ads are funny and creative and for some people even more important than the game itself. However, we are looking forward to Henny's visit and wish her a safe trip!
About us:
- Julia & Thorsten Stoesser
- Atlanta, Georgia, United States