About us:

Who's coming next...

We are very much looking forward to mid October when our dear friends Verena & Sven will pay us a visit here in Atlanta. Growing up in the same village Verena and Julia have known each other forever and became friends many years ago. And just like the girls share many childhood memories the guys they got married to share a passion for endurance sports which ultimately led to a couple of joint triathlon endeavors back in the days before we left the homeland.

(Please note how nice this picture could have been, hadn't that drunk husband of hers ruined it.)

However, Verena & Sven are experienced US travelers and have planned their trip right down to the last detail to get the most out of their visit. Before checking out the Atlanta area they will spend a weekend in NYC to take in THE CITY. To wind down Verena & Sven will fly to Atlanta where - compared to the Big Apple - life seems to go in "slow-mo".
We'll arrange a sight seeing tour to their liking and give them some insight into our daily life. Most of all we will just enjoy their company because there is a lot of catching up to do.
To top it off we all will fly to Boston, MA which is not only one of the oldest cities in the United States but also the largest city in New England. We will check out what the "Walking City" has
to offer - it's gonna be very different from Atlanta where you better not walk anywhere. When we are tired of walking we will be heading south to Cape Cod and Martha's Vineyard to get a sniff of sea air. Then it will be time to say goodbye - while we are going back to business, Verena and Sven will continue their New England tour northbound before they fly back to Germany.

Cheerio... we'll see y'all later!